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All Circulars

S.No Circular No Category Subject Department Date View
188 932 Shipping RFID - Familiarity classes- Material and Shed Foreman module Traffic 04-09-2018 Document
187 935 Shipping Rebate on Vessel Related Charges(VRC) for container vessels Traffic 17-09-2018
186 936 General Handling of factory stuffed containers with explosives from Visaakha Container Terminal Pvt.Ltd Traffic 28-09-2018 Document
185 937/A General Implementation of decisions taken in the XIV Advisory Committee Meeting - Certain Guidelines Traffic 29-09-2018 Document
184 IMAR/MSS/F-2/2018/3021 General Berthing of vessels in Inner Harbour during night Marine 29-09-2018 Document
183 IMAR/MSS/F-2/2991/2018 General Berthing / Un-berthing of Vessels at East Quay-10 Marine 26-09-2018 Document
182 946 General Implementation DM:CD's Logistics Data Bank Service across the Major Port Terminal of India Traffic 31-10-2018 Document
181 950 Shipping Proposal from the Visakhapatnam Port Trust for revisiting the ARR ceiling and for revision of specific cargo viz (a) Wharfage on certain cargo and (b) Vessel related charges at SPM berth Traffic 09-11-2018 Document
179 1429 General Advisory of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India with regard to New variant SARS Cov2-B.1.1.529(OMICRON) Traffic 03-12-2021 Document
178 ZAWAD CYCLONE General Severe Cyclone JAWAD is expected to hit Visakhapatnam on 04-12-2021 Marine 03-12-2021 Document